cat nipple fall off

Can a Cat’s Nipple Fall Off?

You may have been petting your cats belly and feel a piece of something in your hand and notice it is skin-like. You check and it would appear that your cat’s nipple had falling off. This can be shocking but that is not what is actually happening here. If it is not a nipple and your cat’s nipple is missing, what is going on?

Cats Need to Keep Clean

Cats are known for their cleaning habits. They will clean after each meal, clean after using the litter box, and some will clean themselves after being touched. Cats that are close will even clean each other. This ritual of cleanliness goes beyond looking and smelling good. When your cat is grooming, dead skin is being removed and oils are being distributed. You will notice with a cat that is sick or feeling unwell, their coat will become oily, flaky, and smell bad. This is due to lack of grooming. Beyond the health of your cats fur and skin, cleaning the belly area ensures nothing is left behind that can later clog pores.

The belly area has skin that is more exposed at the lower belly and around each nipple. These areas need to be cleaned regularly to prevent build-up. There is minimal fur here which makes it easier for your cat to clean but also makes this skin more susceptible to infections. In particular, the skin around the nipples can start to form build up from skin and oils if not properly cleaned. This can lead to health issues.

Nipple Hygiene Is Important for Cats

As silly as it sounds, your cat cleaning his or her belly is very important, especially for the nipples. It doesn’t matter if your cat is a male or female, both can end up with issues if they are not properly cleaned and managed. Most cats do fine on their own but older cats, cats with illnesses, and obese cats may struggle to clean their belly and effectively remove build-up.

This can lead to:

  • Blackheads forming on exposed skin
  • Clogged pores that become inflamed
  • Intervened nipples that face inward
  • Inspissated secretions (severely clogged nipple)
  • Cysts forming below the nipples
  • Hair loss and inflammation

So, Can a Cat’s Nipple Fall Off?

No, a cat’s nipple will not just fall off. What likely happened is the sebum build-up that formed over the nipple and inverted it inward was removed. This sebum build-up can become thick enough to force a nipple to tuck back into the skin. When it is removed, it looks like there is a hole left behind but if you move the skin around gently, you will be able to uncover the nipple.

Nipple Inversion From Improper Grooming

Poor grooming habits for a cat can lead to all sorts of skin issues, including inverted nipples. The most common cause of inverted nipples is obesity or being overweight. When a cat is carrying extra weight, it makes it harder or even impossible for your cat to reach the nipples to clean them properly. Build-up will form and force the nipples to tuck into the skin. When this happens, the inverted nipple is susceptible to infection.

Treatment for Inverted Nipples

If you cat has an inverted nipple, the area will need to be cleaned every few days to prevent further build-up. This will reduce the chance if the nipple becoming infected. This can be done using cat safe pet wipes or a damp washcloth. Applying a good quality coconut oil after cleansing the area will prevent fungal and bacterial infections from forming. It is important to note that nipple infections can be deadly. If the area around the nipple appears to be red and inflamed, has pus, or has become swollen – The cat will need to be seen right away by a veterinarian. This means there is an infection.

The nipple should return to normal in most cases once the area is kept clean for a long enough period. Some cats that are overweight will need to lose weight for this to happen. You can gently rub the area with oil (again, coconut is best) encourage the nipple to come back out after cleaning.

Common Questions About Cat Nipples

Where Are Nipples Located on Cats?

A cat’s nipples are located on the belly in even rows roughly 2 to 3 inches from the pelvis. Parting the fur will expose them. Most cats have a bald area around each nipple which is completely normal.

How Many Nipples Do Cats Have?

The average number of nipples a cat has is 6. Cats can have has few as 4 nipples or as many as 10 nipples. They are almost always in even rows but some cats can have odd numbers. Genetics determine the number of nipples a cat has.

Do Male Cats Have Nipples?

Yes, male cats do have nipples. Like other mammals, male cats have “non-functioning” nipples. The reason male mammals have nipples is because they are formed prior to the sex being determined in the womb. All mammals, including humans, start out as female embryos.

Do Larger Nipples Mean My Cat Is Pregnant?

Like other mammals, a pregnant cat’s nipples will change at the halfway mark, roughly 35 days into her pregnancy. They will become larger and bright pink. This is from the breasts filling with milk in preparation for the female to feed her offspring.

Do Cats Leak Milk Like Humans?

Yes, female cats that are pregnant will leak milk. It is fairly common and can happen during pregnancy or after. She will likely lick away the milk herself so there is no need to clean her belly. Leaking tends to happen after the 30 day mark so if you notice this early on in her pregnancy, mention it to your vet.

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