Cat Behavior

behavior problems declawed cats

Behavioral Problems in Declawed Cats

Every year, thousands of cats end up in shelters that were declawed with behavioral problems and most people don’t understand why. Let’s explore what declawing is, the damage that is done from the procedure, and what behavioral problems are commonly seen among cats that have been declawed.

Is My Cat Bipolar?

Because a cat is spontaneous in nature, diagnosing one with bipolar is a very difficult task. Whatsmore, cats do not suffer from a true bipolar condition but rather something called “dysthymia” which is a behavioral disorder observed in animals.

Cat head pressing

Is My Cat Head Pressing?

Some cats enjoy laying on their backs with their legs spread open while others like to curl up into as small of a ball as possible. How cute! But what if your cat is laying with its head pressed down or into something – should you be concerned?