internet cat phrases words slang

35 Cat Slang Words of the Internet

If you spend enough time online, especially on forums or social media platforms, you have likely come across these words. Many of them have evolved from “Lolspeak” and various internet cat memes. We have compiled a list of the most popular cat slang words used online along with their meanings. Be sure to use them in every day lingo to confuse your family, friends, and co-workers. Who knows, using them may help you make new frens!

1.) Smol

– kittens are small and cute, kittens are smol.
Smol is used in place of “small” and means cute and small.

2.) Floof

– very fluffy and soft kitteh or catto.
Floof is used to describe a long-haired cat of any breed.

3.) Kitteh

– kitteh is not quite a smol but is still a kitten.
Kitteh is used in place of the word “kitten” or to describe a young cat.

4.) Catto

– an extra special cat is a catto.
Catto is blanket term used for “cat” and can be used for any type of cat.

5.) Purrito

– a burrito wrapped smol, kitteh, or catto.
Purrito is a cat that has been wrapped in a blanket like a burrito.

6.) Danger

– a large wild catto is a danger unit.
Danger is a term used for large wild cats such as tigers, lions, and panthers.

7.) Unit

– a danger unit is a wild catto but an absolute unit is a chonk.
Unit is a metric to describe how big a cat is, “absolute unit” meaning big and fat.

8.) Chonk

– hims a heckin’ chonk, hella thicc.
Chonk is a plump, round, or fat cat, more often than not an obese cat.

9.) Chonklet

– hims a smol chonk but still hella thicc.
Chonklet is a small plump, round, or fat kitten.

10.) Thicc

– ah lawd he a thicc boi, hims a heckin’ chonk.
Thicc is another word for fat but in a positive way, sometimes as a compliment.

11.) Boi

– him a good boi, very well behaved.
Boi is different spelling of the word “boy” and used to reference a male cat.

12.) Long Boi

– him a long boi, stretched out like a noodle.
Long Boi is a male cat that is stretched out to his full length on his side, back, or while being held.

13.) Nakey

– him a nakey boi, has clothes.
Nakey is a term to describe a hairless cat, usually a Sphynx cat.

14.) Void

– the absence of light is void, purr darkness.
Void is a term used for black cats and mostly black cats, can also be spaced out to “v o i d”.

15.) Kitler

– him can haz Poland?
Kitler is a nickname for black and white cats that sport a “Hitler stache”.

16.) Freddie

– mamma, i just killed a birb.
Freddie is a nickname for cats that sport a “Freddie Mercury stache”.

17.) Orange

– shares one brain cell with other oranges.
Orange is a ginger tabby cat, commonly joked about all sharing the same one brain cell.

18.) Blep

– him stick out his tongue and keep it there.
Blep is when a cat sticks out its tongue and holds it long enough for a picture or short video.

19.) Mlem

– him uses his tongue to lick things and also for baffs.
Mlem is when a cat licks something; itself, people, objects, etc.

20.) Baff

– him baffs himself with many mlems.
Baff is another word for bath or bathe, used in reference to when a cat is grooming or getting a bath.

21.) Teefs

– him shows his teefies.
Teefs or “Teefies” is when a cat shows off his teeth like a smile.

22.) Boop

– you can boop the snoot but might get a whack.
Boop is when you lightly poke the nose of a cat (or other animal).

23.) Snoot

– the snoot is the boopiest place of a catto.
Snoot is the nose of a cat or other animal, it gets many boops.

24.) Caturday

– remember each Caturday and keep it meowy.
Caturday is just a very cat-filled Saturday which is every Saturday for cat owners.

25.) Loaf

– look at that fine loaf, heckin’ high-quality catto.
Loaf is a cat that is laying down with all legs tucked inward, resembling a loaf of bread.

26.) Beans

– i have the knead, the knead for beans.
Beans are the paw pads of every cat, they resemble cute little beans in a variety of colors.

27.) Murder Mittens

– super sharp, might use if angy.
Murder Mittens are the paws of a cat when nails are exposed or in use.

28.) Angy

– no talk him, he angy!
Angy is a another way of saying “angry” usually in reference to an angry kitten.

29.) Spicy

– a spicy catto is an angy catto with some screms.
Spicy is an expression for saying a cat is showing anger or being moody.

30.) Screm

– i screm, you screm, we all screm to be let outside!
Screm is a cute way of saying “scream” and is used when a cat is meowing loudly and demanding something.

31.) Fren

– you are your catto’s best fren.
Fren is a special kind of friend, only reserved for the most special in fact.

32.) Gib

– you better gib me those chimken nuggies.
Gib is another word for “give” or in reference to handing something over.

33.) Chimken

– is tasty birb (bird), especially in fun shapes.
Chimken is a cute way of saying “chicken”, often referenced as “chimken nuggies” which are chicken nuggets.

34.) Hooman

– you are a hooman, our favorite hooman, maybe even a fren.
Hooman is another word for “human” but usually referenced with cat speak.

35.) Cat Tax

– you better pay the cat tax or the MEOW-RS will through you in prison.
Cat Tax is the act sharing a picture of a cat when requested via “pay the cat tax”.

Which cat slang word is your favorite?

Let us know in the comments!